How America Learned to Love Liars


Christian Post Report – Since the serpent, Satan, lied to Eve about the forbidden fruit (Gen. 3:4-5), mankind has played fast and loose with the truth. But as Sir Walter Scott once so eloquently stated, “Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.”

There was a time, however, in American history when a “man’s word was considered his bond.”

But as Dr. Laura Schlessinger wrote a few years ago in her book about the Ten Commandments, we’ve moved far from that philosophy of life today “to a society in which ‘people are more accepting than ever before of exaggerations, falsifications, fabrications, misstatements, misrepresentations, gloss-overs, quibbles, concoctions, equivocations, shuffles, prevarications, trims and truth colored and varnished.’ That acceptance has surely changed the moral landscape of this nation in everything from the disappearance of common social courtesies to the prevalence of vulgar and vicious radio and television programming, from disrespect for traditional sexual and marital mores to the ever-growing cynicism about the potential of goodness to survive anywhere.”


Source : Christian Post