ISIS’ New Horrifying Video Shows Gruesome Beheadings of 3 ‘Spies’ by Horseback Executioners


Christian Post Report – Three Islamic State prisoners accused of spying kneel before they are eventually beheaded in a publicized execution video published by the terror group on March 12, 2016.

The Islamic State terrorist organization has released yet another chilling propaganda beheading video, this time showing three men accused of espionage being led to their place of execution with leashes around their necks while their executioners ride horseback.

The militant group published a five-minute cinematic video (graphic) over the weekend to its affiliated media outlets that not only features a montage of the group’s past videoed executions but also features a never-before-seen execution of three men accused of being spies in the group’s Al-Furat province.

According to the Daily Mail, the video’s narrator accused the men of collaborating with the United States-led coalition against IS (also known as ISIS or ISIL) in Arabic and also blames them for airstrikes that have been carried out against the militant group in the last few weeks.

Prior to the execution scene, the video showed footage of B1-B Lancer warplanes dropping bombs on an IS-controlled area and blowing up buildings. Prior to the dropping of the bombs, a voiceover featuring a speaker in an American accent says the “enemy is in sight, they are all armed.”

After the footage of the explosion and the bellowing smoke cloud, the next scene in the video displays the mutilated bodies of dead children and innocent civilians, who the group claims were killed by the coalition airstrikes.

The narrator references the “airstrikes of the crusader Coalition” and states that “God mandated punishments” that the militants will carry out.

Then, the video cuts to footage of the three accused men sitting on their knees inside their jail cell when a militant dressed in military camouflage, combat boots and a black balaclava comes to let them out so they can be led to their execution.

In the next scene, the men are shown being led down a cleared path in a wooded area while they were being held by leashes around their necks by the executioners, who were riding on horses through the procession.

The IS executioners, who were dressed in brown pants and brown shirts with black veils covering all but their eyes, hopped off their horses in unison once they reached their destination.

The executioners forced the prisoners down to their knees in front of them. The camera then focuses on one of the executioners, who proclaimed in Arabic that the men were accused of “spying for the enemy.”

Afterwards, the men were forced to lie on their bellies, while their captures straddled their bodies and pulled up their heads by their hair and proceeded to cut their heads off with knives.

Once the executioners were finished fully decapitating their victims, they placed the prisoners’ heads on top of their bodies while they stood and posed over their bodies with their arms and knives covered in blood.

The graphic video of the beheadings can be found by clicking here.

News emerged Monday that the terrorist group also executed and crucified a 22-year-old man in Syria’s Deir ez-Zor province on the charge that he supported Kurdish forces.

“The 22-year-old victim was arrested at a restaurant in central Deir ez-Zor for talking about the Kurdish advance towards Deir ez-Zor and saying ‘Kurds are coming,'” media activist Ahmed Ramadan told the Kurdish media outlet ARA News.

The man was arrested by IS religious police and referred to sharia court, where he was quickly sentenced to death.

“The man was executed and crucified in front of hundreds of people in the city center,” an eyewitness told ARA.

Source : Christian Post