Billy Graham: Jesus Proved His Divinity Through His Words and Actions


Evangelist Billy Graham (Photo: Reuters/Shannon Stapleton)

Christian Post Report – Evangelist Billy Graham speaks during his Crusade at Flushing Meadows Park in New York, June 25, 2005. Graham, 86, has preached the Gospel to more people in a live audience format than anyone in history – over 210 million people in more than 185 countries. His followers believe that the New York Crusade which runs from June 24 to 26 will be his last live appearance.

Jesus repeatedly proved his divinity through his words and actions, the Rev. Billy Graham said in a post this week.

Responding to a March 15 question posted to the “My Answers” portion of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association’s (BGEA) website, the well-known preacher explains that Jesus not only had a close relationship with God, but that he was also God’s Son.

“The divinity of Jesus is at the heart of the Christian faith,” Graham explains, responding to a question that sought to clarify if Jesus was truly divine.

Graham then points to several examples in the Bible that prove Jesus’ divinity, including John 10:30 and John 10:33, as well as John 14:9, which states: “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.”

As well as telling his disciples and others of his divinity, Jesus also exhibited it through his actions, the reverend continues.

Examples of these deeds include when Jesus practiced authority over nature, brought healing to the sick, and performed miracles.

“Most of all, He proved His divine nature by rising from the dead. To those who doubted Him He said, ‘Even though you do not believe me, believe the works’ (John 10:38),” the Baptist minister adds.

Ultimately, it is important for Christians to understand and accept Jesus’ divine nature because it is a core tenant of their faith, Graham writes.

“[…] only a divine Savior could make it possible for us to be forgiven of our sins, and only a divine Savior could offer us the gift of eternal life,” Graham says.

Graham discusses Jesus’ divinity in a December 2015 post as well, explaining that Christ’s resurrection is proof of his holy nature.

The evangelical leader explains that Jesus is set apart from other religious teachers because he was both fully human and fully God at the same time.

Jesus was also different because he was able to die and rise again.

“[…] Jesus did something no one has ever done: He rose from the dead, by the power of God. His resurrection is the final proof of His divine nature,” Graham explains.

Graham elaborated on Jesus’ divine resurrection in an October 2014 post, explaining that “only a divine savior” would be able to rise from the dead to cleanse humans of their sins.

“Death could not hold [Jesus]!” Graham proclaims. “If His enemies wanted to discredit Him after His disciples claimed He had come back from the grave, all they had to do was produce His body. But they couldn’t — because God had raised Him from the dead.”

“Only a divine Savior could become the final sacrifice for our sins, and only a divine Savior could come into our lives and change us from within. Don’t let doubt grip your soul any longer, but discover Jesus as He really is — and then open your heart and life to His transforming power,” Graham adds.

Graham, 97, is a well-known evangelical leader and founder of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, which is now overseen by his son, Franklin Graham.

Source : Christian Post