ISIS Targets Christian Books


ISIS Targets Christian Books

Christian Post Report – In its continued assault against Christianity and the religion’s history, the Islamic State has released a video that shows its jihadis burning hundreds of Christian books last week in the Iraqi city of Mosul on the grounds that they are the “books of infidels.”

The terror group, which conquered Mosul and much of the Nineveh Plains during the summer of 2014, published a video through the affiliated Amaq news agency, showing IS militants in its largest Iraqi stronghold tossing hundreds of Christian textbooks into a large bonfire.

The video was obtained by media activists and posted to YouTube by an Assyrian Christian media group so that it could be circulated as additional proof of IS’ attempt to destroy Christianity and other religions in Iraq and Syria.

According to the the Kurdish media outlet ARA News, the militants’ reasoning for burning the books, which had crosses on their covers, was because they belonged to “infidels.”


Source : Christian Post