Russian Nanny Who Beheaded 4-Y-O Girl: ISIS Videos Inspired Me; ‘I Feel a Bit Sorry for Her’


<b>Christian Post Report</b> – Gyulchehra Bobokulova” title=”<b>Christian Post Report</b> – Gyulchehra Bobokulova” name=”jpg” src=”” class=”imgPhoto” width=”550″ height=”450″ /> <small class=(Screengrab: Radio Free Europe)

Christian Post Report – Gyulchehra Bobokulova

A Russian nanny who beheaded a four-year-old girl and afterwards marched in the street carrying her severed head while chanting “Allahu Akbar!” admits that she was inspired by the Islamic State’s publicized execution videos.

In late February, The Daily Mail reported that online videos captured footage of a burka-wearing nanny in Moscow walking in the street while holding up a severed head of a little girl. As the woman approached a public transit station, she threatened to blow herself up. As she neared the station, she chanted “Allahu Akbar,” a phrase shouted by many Islamic extremists that means “God is greater.”

The deceased child was identified as Anastasia Meshcheryakova, who was believed to have learning disabilities and leaves behind her mother and father. The woman, who was identified as 38-year-old Christian Post Report – Gyulchehra Bobokulova and from Uzbekistan, also set the child’s home on fire after killing her.

Local reports indicate that Bobokulova later told police she killed the girl out of frustration over her husband’s infidelity. As a result, Bobokulova, who has a history of schizophrenia, was ordered to undergo a psychiatric evaluations.

According to The Daily Mail, Bobokulova told reporters in court that she was “ordered” by Allah to commit the atrocity as payback for Russia’s involvement in airstrikes against IS (also known as ISIS or ISIL) and other Muslims in Syria.

She added that she was inspired to cut off the child’s head by IS’ gruesome online beheading videos.

“They raised my hatred and it filled me. I saw online how they were cutting off heads,” Bobokulova was quoted as saying. “I saw how they cut off heads and I did it. The voices — I killed the girl, yes. But I don’t need treatment.”

Although Bobokulova feels she doesn’t need psychiatric treatment, she admits that she heard voices that told her to kill the girl.

“There was a voice in my head: ‘Do it to the girl,'” Bobokulova stated. “I feel sorry a bit for her. I feel sorry for myself. I have no home, I have nothing. She was a good girl. But I don’t have a home.”

In an interview with The Daily Mail from her cell in the psychiatric hospital at Butyrka high security prison in Moscow, Bobokulova said that she is being heavily drugged and tied down by the officials at the prison.

A doctor with the prison explained that they are drugging the woman in order to keep her from hurting anyone else and insisted that she volunteered to be treated.

“We are monitoring her 24 hours a day, when we fear that she can hurt herself, we use soft ties,” the doctor said. “She complained of voices in her head. The doctor diagnosed the serious psychiatric disorder when immediate isolation and therapy is needed.”

Although Bobokulova desires to be placed in a regular jail, the doctor doesn’t think that will happen anytime soon.

“Nobody will let her go back into the ordinary jail. She is dangerous and it is obvious for us. It is our duty to control her,” the doctor said.

Source : Christian Post