Girl Raped 3 Times a Day for 16 Months Reveals Untold Details of ISIS’ Sex Slave ‘Meat Market’


Iraq (Photo: Reuters/Ahmed Jadallah)

Christian Post Report – A displaced Iraqi child, who fled from Islamic State violence in Mosul, sits with her family outside their tent at Baherka refugee camp in Erbil, September 14, 2014.

A Yazidi sex slave who was raped three times a day for over 16 month by various Islamic State fighters detailed in a recent interview how she was bought and sold by eight different jihadis and how the group sold off over 800 Yazidi girls inside a Raqqa “meat market.”

In an interview with The Daily Mail, 20-year-old Khalida, who was captured by the militant group in Iraq in August 2014, explained how she and her family were attempting to escape from the wrath of IS (also known as ISIS or ISIL) when a Muslim neighbor outed them as un-believers when they were stopped at a checkpoint.

After being outed by the neighbor, IS rounded up all 36 Yazidis in the group and separated them by gender. IS then separated the females into married and unmarried groups, Khalida said.

Khalida explained that she and about 800 other unmarried Yazidi girls were bussed to IS’ Syrian stronghold of Raqqa where they were to each be sold as sex slaves.

She and the other women were put on display in the aforementioned meat market and were purchased relatively cheaply by IS militants.

‘We were put on display. Men came in and looked at us like objects. It was like a car showroom,” Khalida said. “Women were bought for cash — as little as $20, or exchanged for things like mobile phones, or given away as gifts.”

When it came to the most beautiful of the Yazidi women, Khalida said that they were taken to a VIP room so IS leaders could take their time deciding which girls they wanted to buy and abuse as their personal sex toys.

“The most beautiful women were put into a special room,” she explained. “Then five top ISIS leaders — emirs — came to choose girls. They took away three or four girls each.”

“I was very afraid,” She recalled. “I didn’t know what would happen to me — raped, murdered?”

Khalida and her cousin were eventually sold to a white-bearded old Syrian man named Abu Qalla. The girls were taken to Qalla’s home, which he shared with his own wife and family.

After arriving to Qalla’s home, the two women were locked in a room for about two weeks until Qalla finally came in and raped Khalida’s cousin right in front of her.

Khlaida stated that after Qalla was done having sex with her and her cousin, Qalla’s wife would always come in and beat them for “tempting her husband.”

“‘You are Yazidi. You deserve what you get,” Khalida recalled the wife telling them.

Over the course of the next 16 months, Khalida was continuously sold and raped by multiple militants, sometimes she was gangraped with such brutality that she was knocked unconsious.

Khalida admits that she was constantly forced to take contraceptives after having been raped. One time after she was knocked unconscious during a gang rape, Khalida was taken to a hospital to receive a contraceptive injection.

‘They [IS fighters] did not want me get pregnant, especially if there was more than one man because they would not know who the father of the baby was,’ she told MailOnline.

Khalida tried to escape from IS three different times. However, the three different arab families she appealed to for help ultimately returned her back to her “slave master.”

Life as an IS sex slave was so brutal that Khalida tried to kill herself multiple times. She even tattooed her father’s name on her arm so that her body could be identified.

“I tried to kill myself many times. I covered myself in water and put my hand on electric cables but I always survived,” she said. “I asked God to kill me. I thought it was better to die than to live as a sex slave with what they were doing to me, every day.”

Khaldia was finally freed when she struck a deal with her eighth and final “slave master.”

Although the Khalida’s family was poor and homeless, the militant demanded about $30,000 from her family for her release.

‘I begged him and kissed his feet begging for him to contact my family,’ Khalida detailed. “‘I told him I had been enslaved for over a year and had heard nothing about my family. I begged him every day for two months.”

“Finally he let me call my brother Faisal. He told him he would sell me for $30,000,” she continued. “I told him my family were poor and had nothing, that they had abandoned their home.”

Khalida said she had to haggle for her own freedom until he agreed to sell her.

“I was taken to a village near the front line near Mosul,” she said. “I had to walk for five hours and I called to the Peshmerga fighters.”

Follow Samuel Smith on Twitter: @IamSamSmith

Source : Christian Post