British Prime Minister, Cameron, Mr. Miliband and Mr. Clegg, all appeal to Scotland to vote No in independence referendum

United we stand: Cameron, Miliband and Clegg all appeal to Scots to vote No in independence referendum
(Photo: Reuters | Metro)

Metro, UK reports –

An emotional David Cameron said yesterday he would be ‘heart-broken’ if Scotland votes to break up the British ‘family’ next week.

The prime minister was in Scotland in a rare show of unity with political rivals Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg as the campaign to save the UK entered its final and most crucial phase.

In a passionate defence of the Union, Mr Cameron said the fate of the country was more important to him than party politics.

Appearing on the verge of tears, he pleaded with voters not to end the 307-year-old partnership just to give ‘the effing Tories’ a kick. ‘I care far more about my country than I do about my party,’ he said in Edinburgh. I care hugely about this extraordinary country, this United Kingdom that we’ve built together. I would be heartbroken if this family of nations that we’ve put together was torn apart.’

He said the vote was not like a general election, the result of which can be reversed five years later. It would affect our children and grandchildren and shape the next century, he added.

The three party leaders spoke at separate events across Scotland after cancelling prime minister’s questions in London.



Source : Metro UK