Billy Graham: Christians Should Cast Away Their Doubts in God


Evangelist Billy Graham (Photo: Reuters/Shannon Stapleton)

Christian Post Report – Evangelist Billy Graham speaks during his Crusade at Flushing Meadows Park in New York, June 25, 2005. Graham, 86, has preached the Gospel to more people in a live audience format than anyone in history – over 210 million people in more than 185 countries. His followers believe that the New York Crusade which runs from June 24 to 26 will be his last live appearance.

Christians should stop doubting God and be thankful for what He’s done, the Rev. Billy Graham wrote in a recent post.

In a March 25 post for the Kansas City Star, the evangelical leader explains that although Christians may have their doubt in Jesus and His ability to rise from the dead, they should “Lay [their] doubts at the foot of the cross, and ask God to help [them] see Jesus as he really is.”

The Baptist minister points specifically to John 20:29, where Thomas’ doubts about Jesus are gone once he sees the Risen Lord.

He also references Luke, who, in spite of being a medical doctor, believed in Jesus’ death and resurrection.

“How was it possible for Jesus to be raised from the dead? It could have happened only if God did it, and that’s precisely what took place. And because he rose from the dead, you and I can have hope — hope today, and hope for life beyond the grave. Death has been defeated!” Graham declares.

The preacher adds that although Jesus was able to rise from the dead, humans cannot escape the finality of death. “…[D]eath is our final enemy, and once a person dies, they never return from the grave,” he writes.

Ultimately, Graham encourages Christians to lay their doubts about Jesus’ death and resurrection at the foot of the cross this Easter season, and just embrace God for who He is and the gift He has given us.

“Lay your doubts at the foot of the cross, and ask God to help you see Jesus as he really is. And on this Easter weekend may you be like Thomas, whose doubts vanished once he saw the risen Christ,” the evangelist urged.

Graham has spoken on the importance of maintaining faith in times of doubt before, writing in August 2015 that instead of wallowing in their doubt, Christians must allow themselves to grow in their faith.

“What will you do with your doubts? Will you let them take root and grow in your heart and mind? Will you even take pride in displaying them (as some people do)? Or will you turn them over to God and ask Him to help you grow stronger in your faith?” Graham asks.

“Don’t stand still in your faith,” he continues, instead, Christians should “make sure of [their] commitment to Jesus Christ, and then learn to walk with Him every day.”

“Build your life on the foundation of God’s Word, the Bible, and seek His help in prayer and in fellowship with other believers,” Graham advises.

In an October 2014 post, Graham encourages Christians to explore their doubts before allowing them to destroy their faith.

“I’m sure most of us have had doubts, but the real question is what we do with them,” the 97-year-old minister writes, adding that Christians should not “let doubt destroy your mind and heart.”

“Instead, look honestly at Jesus as He is found in the pages of the New Testament. When you do, you’ll begin to understand who He was and what He did,” the Baptist minister states.

Again, Graham uses the story of Thomas as an example of faith, as Thomas’ doubts dissolved once he saw the Risen Christ.

Once Christians cast away their doubts like Thomas, then their “faith will grow stronger on a foundation of facts — the facts of Christ’s life, death and resurrection,” Graham concludes.

Source : Christian Post