Who is a Pharisee ?

Who is a Pharisee

Have you ever asked yourself why Jesus never had a Pharisee on His core team? Why was not at least one Pharisee on His Board? Let me introduce to you the Pharisee.

He is one properly schooled and thoroughly bred in the law of Moses. The Pharisee is a philosopher per excellence; call him a Doctor of Philosophy [PhD] if you would; sound and knowledgeable in the doctrines of scripture and the traditions of men; and able also to keep the sanctity of customs, rites and religious practices.

The Pharisee’s posture and stamina portrays him as one with an ability to provide answers to virtually every question relating to the law of Moses. He is a disputer and a custodian of the law- very versed in it. You must give it to him. He can be described in today’s language as your concordance; chain reference; or more contemporarily and succinctly put, your “Google” (biblical search engine).

With this background, one would have thought that Jesus would have considered having at least one Pharisee to consult with on His team, maybe as His legal adviser of some sort or special assistant on religious matters as it were. Moreso that Jesus, among other things came to fulfil the law of Moses. But that was not the case.

Despite the intimidating resume and staggering profile of these very well read and learned colleagues, one wonders why not one Pharisee was able to make it to Jesus’ “first eleven”. Instead what you have were ignorant men; men who were never schooled in the law of Moses. Beloved, this speaks volumes.

But what was Jesus looking out for? Why would He not consider choosing any of the Pharisees to be part of His lieutenants? That would have been a plus to His ministry. Those guys can preach. They know what is written. They know where it can be found. “They must therefore be an asset,” some of us are quick to conclude. But no. Jesus didn’t see it that way.

Instead He prayed some countenance altering prayers to select His team. He did not only take time to pray, He fasted to locate His helpers in ministry. There must be no assumptions here. There must be no playing the way to gallery. As He tarried before God in prayer and fasting, God delivered to Him the secret. God told Him what to look out for to locate those who would help Him fulfil His assignment.

Beloved, in asking for help, you must look beneath the surface of things. There is obviously more to everything than meets the eye. You would be deceived to think that all there is, is all that eyes can see. It’s not in appearances my dear. Whatever is apparent is only a tiny fraction of all there really is. You can’t afford to not get it right. I’d rather spend 30 years in search of the secret for locating helpers of my destiny than run around from pillar to post for nothing. It is that crucial.

Good morning!

Please stay tuned as I will be unfolding the secret in subsequent postings.

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Wale Arowojolu is the Senior Pastor of Hiltop House in Lagos Nigeria.