Pastor Perry Noble: Christians Should Help Each Other Battle Sin


Perry Noble(Photo: Courtesy of NewSpring Church)Perry Noble is the founding and senior pastor of NewSpring Church in Anderson, S.C.

Christian Post Report – Christians must encourage each other to battle sin, Pastor Perry Noble wrote in a blog post this week.

The megachurch pastor, who oversees the 30,000-member NewSpring Church in South Carolina, wrote in a March 28 post that he was recently reading Hebrews 3:12-13, which inspired him to share the importance of Christians reaching out to their brothers and sisters to save them from sin.

Specifically, Perry points to verse 13 which reads: “But encourage one another daily […] so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.”

“ALL of us know what it’s like to battle with sin. ALL of us know what it’s like to feel like we are losing. ALL of us know what it’s like to want to give up on following God,” Noble said.

Noble encourages all readers to pick up their phone or computer and contact someone who comes into their mind who may need encouragement to work their way through sin.

The megachurch pastor says if someone “popped into your head then pause and [contact them] right now. Seriously – I can promise you there are not many people on the planet that do not need a good dose of encouragement right now.”

Noble adds that while a reader may think they’re the one who needs the most encouragement, they should still offer their support to others.

“[…] I can promise you that THE BEST THING you can do if you need encouragement is to give it,” the pastor writes.

Noble has spoken on the importance of fighting sin before, writing in November 2014 that God’s grace covers all sins, even those from the past.

“We have to let our past die, because if we don’t, it will not allow us to truly live! Jesus WANTS for us to have a life that is filled with joy! He knew every stupid, foolish, sinful decision we would ever make, and yet He still chose to create us, love us, pursue us, and rescue us,” Noble writes. “Our past only defines us when we lose sight of the future Christ has for us.”

Noble encourages readers to not “allow [their] past to be the prison that prevents you from the amazing potential that is yours in Christ.”

“If you don’t let your past die then it won’t let you live! Whatever happened […] God KNEW it was going to happen before He ever created you. He’s NOT surprised by it, He still loves you and He still wants great things for you,” Noble continues, encouraging readers to “confess [and] repent.”

In a January 2016 post, Noble again urges readers to let go of their past sin and move forward in a relationship with Jesus Christ.

“Forgetting our past and straining towards what is ahead cannot be separated!” Noble writes. “If you’ve confessed and repented of that sin then move on – because Christ has.”

Source : Christian Post