New Study Claims Bad Breath is Hereditary

New Study Claims Bad Breath is Hereditary
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Montreal  –  Researchers at the University of Montreal announced this morning a major breakthrough in our modern understanding of bad breath, a condition known to afflict one american in five.

The study in question involved a total of 6,000 newborn babies and was conducted over a little more than seven years.

“The implications are profound, a genetic unbalance of the thyroid gland could just be the main culprit of this terrible affliction” explains Dr. Jean-Pierre Caron, head of the research project.

“We have found that the problem starts at birth and does not imply bad nutritional choices or an unhealthy lifestyle. People with excess production of a certain type of bacteria that strives in the mouth and larynx area of the body are definitely  at a very high risk of developing this tragic symptom” he adds. “Removal of the gland proved successful in 60% of treated cases, but we expect to develop a new vaccine shortly” he also notes.

The Canadian Halitosis Foundation quickly reacted to the announcement, calling the news “unexpected and groundbreaking”. “Bad breath is a social taboo and, as a result, perceived or genuine halitosis can sometimes trigger social anxiety and depression. It can lead to job loss, social isolation and in extreme cases, even suicide” explains Jeanne St-Pierre, spokesman for the foundation.

Halitosis, colloquially called bad breath, is a symptom in which a noticeably unpleasant odor is present on the exhaled breath. Concern about halitosis is estimated to be the third most frequent reason for people to seek dental care, following tooth decay and periodontal disease (gum disease), and about 20% of the general population are reported to suffer from it to some degree.


Source : WorldNewsDailyReport