Billy Graham Answers: How Do We Walk With God?

Billy Graham - Christian Mail
In the Rev. Billy Graham’s nationally syndicated column published by The Kansas City Star on Sunday, the world-renowned evangelist says children provide a good example of the way believers should walk with Christ.

Graham says, “Just as we do with our children, the most important way [to walk with God] is by spending time with Him: listening to Him as He speaks to us in the Bible and talking with Him in prayer.”

He makes a broader comparison of earthly relationships to one with God, encouraging readers to remember to spend some alone, time with the Savior. “Just as human friendships wither and die if we never spend time together, so our relationship with God will grow cold if we never spend time with Him. Set aside time every day, even if it’s only a few minutes at first, to be alone with God.”

Graham reminds his readers that by nature, mankind has fallen away from God because of sin, but He has redeemed man back into a relationship with Him. “By nature we are cut off from God, because we have sinned and turned our backs on Him. But when we come to Christ and commit our lives to Him, God cleanses us of all our sins.”

Those who have committed their lives to Christ have become a part of God’s family. “We become His children forever,” he adds, citing Romans 8:17 which says, “Now if we are God’s children, then we are heirs — heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ.”

No matter how busy a believer might be, the preacher says they should always make time for God because He is there for them each and every moment of the day. “Jesus said, ‘I am with you always, to the very end of the age'” (Matthew 28:20).