Your Presentation Matters

Author: Emode Victor

A Promise For You From Bible Promises:

Topic: Your Presentation Matters [22/02/2017]

Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness? Romans 5:16. Read: Rom 5:16-23

Generally in life, whoever you are loyal to will in one way or the other rule your life. Which is why you must be careful who you surrender your loyalty to or the person you give your heart to. Whoever you are loyal to possess the password to your life and can rule it the way he or she likes. Be careful, who you present yourself to matters a lot.

Apostle Paul in the above scripture tells us that whosoever we (that are already saved by God’s grace) yield ourselves to obey, that is who we’ll obey, sin or the devil. When you give yourself to obey the works of the flesh after you’ve been saved, the devil will use you to the maximum, but when you present yourself to the works of Righteousness, then God will also use you maximumly. We must present ourselves as instruments (not of unrighteousness unto sin) but as instruments of Righteousness unto God. Rom 6:13. Present yourself a living sacrifice unto God. Rom 12:1-2.


* Your presentation speaks more of you to your immediate environment than your words.