I Am Guilty Lord!

Author: Emode Victor

A Promise For You From Bible Promises:

Topic: I Am Guilty Lord! [25/02/2017]

Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do. Hebrews 4:13. Read: Psalm 51:1-11

I am guilty Lord was the loud cry of a woman whom the LORD opened her eyes to see her eternal nakedness and destitute. When she looked beyond this present world, she saw the light of the Lord which beamed on her entire life and spotted her gray paths out. She saw all her secret sins, all her lies, her costly jesting, little lies she never considered to be lies; all her waywardness. She saw all her fornication and adulterous lifestyle, all her secret lust, love for money. She saw all the people who looked up to her as a role model and how she has misled them all in the name of fashion, all these were written down in bold letters beside her name. She also saw countless opportunities the Lord gave her to repent of her sins but turned down Jesus’ invitations, she saw the names of all the preachers, the time and the places they preached to her both in the bus and with tracts. Seeing all these, she opted with a loud voice, “I am guilty as charged Lord”. God forgave her.

What about you? If the Lord should show you your eternal nakedness now, would you be find guilty as charged or you will be discharge and acquainted? If you are weigh in the scale of eternity, what would be your proclamation? Examine yourself whether you are still in the faith and ready to go meet your God any time the roll is called. 2 Cor 13:5.


* When the roll is called beyond, will you be guilty as charged or be discharge and acquainted?