Vital secrets for a Successful Family (4) by Pastor Faith Oyedepo

Author: Pastor Faith Oyedepo

Topic: Vital secrets for a Successful Family (4)

Dear Reader,

I welcome you once again in Jesus’ name. Today I want to ask this question: Who truly are the real mothers? In this concluding segment of Family Life for this month, we will be looking at what God’s Word has to say about the mother in the home.

One reason God instituted the marital union of the man and woman was to bring forth godly seeds; and if we must have godly seeds, then we must have godly mothers. I always tell people that thieves have mothers, who did not do a good job of caring for their children at the right time. I read an inscription once that says, “It is better to train a child than to repair an adult!” Children are like fresh fish, you can bend them any way, but adults are like dry fish, any attempt to bend them will break them. A wise man once said that the greatest factory, where the most important product in the world is being made, is the home. That is where children are raised.

Who then is a real mother, and what must she offer? After God created the woman, He rested. He was so satisfied after the creation of the woman that He ended His work. He was so convinced that He had put a seal of perfection on all His creation, after she was made. Your presence as a woman, therefore, whether a mother, or mother to be, or mother-in-law, should bring rest to the people around you.

COMFORT is a major characteristic mothers must possess. Even God in His Word reveals this when He said: As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you (Isaiah 66:13). You can imagine the Almighty God comparing His comfort to that of a mother. That means a mother’s soothing touch and presence are meant to bring comfort, encouragement, relief, joy, rest, help and love to her family. In some homes, where there is no rest, the mother of the home is the chief perpetrator of that discord. Mother, you are meant to be a peacemaker. In 2 Samuel 20:19, the Bible talks about a mother-in-Israel who saved a city by her wisdom and brought peace to the land. You, too, can bring peace, rest and comfort to your home, place of work and community.

A real mother is a SOLUTION PROVIDER. She is a blessing and not a burden to her family. At the wedding of Cana in John 2: 5, Mary, the mother of Jesus, guided the servants, who lacked enough wine for the wedding, to the solution. She said: Whatsoever he (Christ) saith unto you, do it.  Someone said about Martin Luther (initiator of the reformation), “Behind the monk who shook the world was the influence of a mother.” What will be said of you?

A child’s first TEACHER is his mother. There is a special link between a mother and the child she carried in her womb, and breast fed at birth. This link gives the mother a unique position and tie with the child, which fathers don’t have, and can be used as a point of contact to pray for the proper development of your child. Susannah Wesley, mother of the well-known Methodist preacher John Wesley, spent one hour each day praying for her 17 children. She took each child aside for a full hour every week, to discuss spiritual matters. No investment made over your child’s life is wasted. Your children of today are the leaders of tomorrow. Abraham Lincoln, a one-time President of the United States of America said, “All that I am, I owe to my angel mother.” Wouldn’t you desire to hear that being said of you?

There is an adage that says, “CHARITY begins at home.” A real mother will do well to initiate it in her home, if it is lacking. Stretch out your heart spiritually and pray for others. Don’t let your prayers focus only on ‘me, myself and I.’ Stretch out your hands physically and give to others.

Always look for opportunities to be a blessing to others, because giving is living. Give to the needy and not just to your friends. Feed the hungry and your children will never be hungry. Whenever you give to the needy, you are doing it for God and He will surely repay you (Proverbs19:17). Your children will learn these virtues from you and in addition, you will be sowing seeds into the lives of your children. What you make happen for others, God will make happen for you.

Until Christ becomes the Lord of your life, He cannot in anyway give you all the grace it takes to be a real mother. Therefore, if Jesus is not yet your Lord, why don’t you say this prayer with me with faith in your heart: Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You today.  I am sinner.  I cannot help myself.  Forgive me my sins and cleanse me with Your blood.  Deliver me form sin and satan to serve the living God.  I believe You died for me and on the third day, You rose that I might be justified.  I accept You as my Lord and Saviour.  Make me a child of God today.  Thank You for accepting me into Your Kingdom.

Congratulations! You are now born again! All-round rest and peace are guaranteed you, in Jesus’ Name. Call or write, and share your testimonies with me through,; OR 07026385437 and 08141320204.

For more insight, these books authored by me are available at the Dominion Bookstores in all Living Faith Churches and other leading Christian bookstores: Marriage Covenant, Making Marriage Work, Building A Successful Home and Success in Marriage (Co-Authored).