Winning Wisdom: Don't Be Without Jesus

Author: Ese Ehimare Dave

Topic: Don’t Be Without Jesus [Thursday, 16th Mar. 2017]

…verily every man at his best state is altogether vanity. Selah. Psalms 39:5

We all want to be the best we can be at all times. We all want to be like the grandest of all men. We hear about men like Albert Einstein, Aristotle, Thomas Edison, Galileo, Leonardo Da Vinci, and many like them, we are awed and we aspire to be like them. These men epitomize the best state of the human race. But you see, no manner how best their state was, without Jesus Christ they are nothing.

What is man without Jesus? There is no height that is worth imitating or aspiring, if Jesus is not the Signpost. Jesus should be our Focus, He should be our Goal. In Him – Jesus – is life, and His life is the light – (knowledge in its highest form) of men (John 1:4). Any life outside Jesus Christ is vain, even if it is in its best state. The truth is Jesus Christ is the giver of the best life which allows us to operate in our best state.

Don’t live your life without Jesus at your core. As a creature of Jesus, you were made by Him and for Him (Colossians 1:16). That is, you were not just created by Him, you were created to live for Him. And you can’t live for Him if you don’t have Him in your life, and at the core or center of your life. Make Jesus Christ first in your life. Accept Him as your Lord and Savior if you have not done that. You can’t afford to live without Jesus in your life. Don’t ever attempt it.

Keep winning daily.

Wise Action:

If you have not accepted Christ as Lord of your life, please do that now. If you have, keep Jesus at the centre of your life. Let all you do revolve around Him.