He That Believes

Author; Emode Victor

A Promise For You From Bible Promises: 

Topic: He That Believes [20/03/2017]

Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste. Isaiah 28:16. Read: 1 Sam 8:1-11

Be careful not hasten God Almighty to do your bidding. You must not pressurize Him to have your way no matter how long that challenge is affecting you now. God says, the expiry date of whatsoever you are going through is now and whatsoever He has promised you will now find fulfilment without further delay. Whatsoever it is you are waiting on God for, wait for His timing. His timing is always the best and His timing is not yours and yours is not His, it defers. Don’t pressurize God to do your bidding because of other people or family members – including your parents. As you wait on God patiently and faithfully, keep doing your part because God will do His part, He is too faithful to fail. Jesus Christ acknowledged the pain of going through the death of the Cross and He had a choice to back out, but He said to God, “Not My Will but Thy Will be done.”

From our Bible reading, the Israelites had God Almighty as their king who goes in and out to fight their battles for them, now they gathered themselves and met prophet Samuel and told him they needed a king to reign over them. Prophet Samuel told God and God said unto him, they did not reject you but Me as king over them, give them what they asked you but make them know how their king will treat them. In Psalms 106:15, the Bible says, And he gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul. While they were in dire need of a king, God was busy raising their king (David) in the bush.


* Patience and Faith is the key to obtaining God’s Promises.