David Abioye's Daily Devotional March 20, 2017 – Boldness: The Answer To All Contention


Topic – Boldness: The Answer To All Contention [Monday March 20, 2017]

IThess. 2:2

“—we were bold in our God to speak unto you the Gospel of God with (in the face of) much contention.”

When contention (opposition) stands on your way, answer back with boldness.

Acts 4:13-16 – The boldness of the Apostles could not be resisted.

Boldness is rooted in God Prov. 28:1

Boldness is expressed by speech Acts 4:20; I Sam. 17

Make the world see your boldness of speech, appearance, walk etc.

Boldness was so important to the Apostles that they made it a major

prayer request – Acts 4:29-31, 33