Loving Your Wife The Bible Way! (4) by Pastor Faith Oyedepo

Author: Pastor Faith Oyedepo

Topic: Loving Your Wife The Bible Way! (4)

Dear Reader,

Welcome once again to this column. We have been exploring the biblical ways through which you, as a husband, can love your wife perfectly. Thus far, we have discovered that God’s Word is the only sure route to perfection in every sphere of life.

The Bible says: Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path (Psalms 119:105). That means, when you walk by the light of God’s Word, you have no occasion to stumble or fall in the journey of life, especially in your marital life.

This week, we shall continue by looking at another practical way you can effectively express love to your wife: Loving with Actions!

“Action speaks louder than words”, they say. There’s a place for words, but there is also a place for action. Lending a helping hand and being available, makes a lot of difference in relationships. This is because both are ways of saying, “I care.”

While your wife does the housework, don’t just sit in front of the television enjoying a game of football. Then from time to time, you turn around and say to the tired, and worn-out woman, “Get me this, get me that.” Instead, take a step to help her by doing your fair share of household chores; it adds credence to your words!

Here is the testimony of a brother who put this wisdom to use: “When the Bishop’s wife taught us the course, Family Life, at the Bible school, one would have thought she had secretly conducted a research on me, because every aspect of the lecture was directed at me, positively or negatively!

After the second day of the course, I got home and saw that my wife had to carry 20 crates of soft drinks down the road, while she was at the same time getting dinner ready. Unknown to her, I packed all the crates into my car and took them there for her.

When I got home, behold, my wife was at the door, and seeing that I had packed all the crates down the road, she started singing and dancing! Children of God…. That was all the service I needed to have rendered in my family. Ever since, it’s been tranquility, joy and peace galore!”– David, D.

Also, a touch sometimes speaks, just as much as words. It communicates, “I am with you.” It also keeps the fire burning all the time. Endeavour to study to be romantic. Your wife is to be “ravished” by your love (Proverbs 5:19). “Ravished” means transported by delight. It will work wonders in your marriage.

Husband, there may be times when your wife is down physically. Remember “love is medicine.”  As my husband often says, “You can give without loving, but you can’t love without giving.”  Something has to prove physically that you truly love your wife. What have you given her lately in demonstration of your love for her?

I will never forget an experience I had some years back.  I was down physically and my husband went out on one of those days and returned with a little beautifully wrapped gift, which he personally presented to me, expressing his love for me.  Could you believe that, that little act of love from him brought me health, and I never needed any medication? Many years have passed, but I still keep the gift, well preserved till today. A kiss or a little gift from you will constantly go a long way to express your love for her.

Every woman loves to be praised, either for what she has done or simply for who she is.  No one is perfect; so, you need to always compliment your wife for those good qualities in her, and that will bring out the best in her.  Make room for praise in your home, and your relationship will be a heaven on earth!

A great burden is placed on you as the man to love your wife as Christ loves the Church. You are not exempted from this responsibility, even if your wife is not submissive. This responsibility can be accomplished only by sacrifices, being a godly example and through an unconditional devotion, commitment and dedication to your family (Ephesians 5:25,28-29).

Above all, you need God to make your home what He designed it to be. Therefore, it is time for you to surrender to God, the Builder of all things, to help you build and practise the love of Christ in your home. Remember, the Bible says that by strength shall no man prevail. Say this prayer with me if you are ready to give God charge over that home: “Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me of my sins and cleanse me with Your Blood. Deliver me from sin and satan to serve the living God. I accept You as my Lord and Saviour. Make me a child of God today. Thank You for accepting me into Your Kingdom.”

If you prayed this simple prayer, you are now a child of God. He loves you and will never leave you. Read your Bible daily, obey God’s Word and seek Christian fellowship (John 14:21).

Congratulations! You are now born again! All-round rest and peace are guaranteed you, in Jesus’ Name. Call or write, and share your testimonies with me through contact@faithoyedepo.org; OR 07026385437 and 08141320204.

For more insight, these books authored by me are available at the Dominion Bookstores in all Living Faith Churches and other leading Christian bookstores: Marriage Covenant, Making Marriage Work, Building A Successful Home and Success in Marriage (Co-Authored).