Winning Wisdom: Avoid Them


Topic: Avoid Them [Sunday, 2nd April 2017]

Now I beseech you brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned, and avoid them. Romans 16:17

It is well known to us that there are certain people in the church who propagate a teachings different from the gospel of Christ. And it is easy for a young believers who are not strong in the faith to be easily swayed by their teachings. Now this concept of a different doctrine is not perculiar to the church of today. The church of old had such persons who propagated doctrines different from the gospel of Christ, deceiving people. In Acts 15:1, scriptures record that there arose certain men who taught the brethren that without circumcision their salvation is not complete. This teaching by these men brought them in conflict with Barnabas and Paul, and to settle this dispute, the matter had to be taken to Jerusalem to the Council of Elders. However before the Council was reached, the men had to be stopped from teaching. Stopping them from teaching any further was not as a result of “personal issues”, but to preserve the gospel of Christ in the heart of young believers.

This is instructive. When we come across people in the church who teach, or proclaim a gospel that is different from the true gospel of Christ, we are to keep away from them. That is not saying we should not avail the actual truth to them, like Peter did in Acts 15:7-11. We should instruct them on the truth from scriptures. After which we should stop them from further teaching of such contrary doctrine(s) in the church.

Paul tells us in Romans 16:18 that such persons “serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple”, and Jude verse 3 says we should “earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” We are custodians of the gospel, and therefore should not allow false teachings pervert the mind of believers, therefore we should stay away from men who propagate false teachings, and keep those under our care far from them.

Keep winning daily.


Dear Father, thank You for the gospel of Christ which is the power of God unto salvation. Help me therefore with wisdom to prayerfully avoid those who teach false doctrines, and to protect young believers in You, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

By Esun Tekeme