Millions Will Head Back to Church Sunday For 1 Reason

Approximately 27,000 churches across the globe are participating in Back to Church Sunday this weekend. (Dwight Burdette/Creative Commons)
(Photo: Chrisma News)

What can entice 3.3 million Americans to leave their homes on a Sunday in the fall?

No, it’s not football. It’s church.

This Sunday, approximately 27,000 churches around the globe are participating in Back to Church Sunday, an ever-growing movement to reach out to communities with the clear message, “Come Back to Church!”

Back to Church Sunday, which started six years ago with only 600 churches involved, is now the largest annual community-based church-outreach effort in the nation. The campaign empowers churches and their members with the tools they need to welcome their neighbors, friends and loved ones back to church, while providing an easy way for everyone in the community to find a welcoming church.

The Back to Church Sunday movement aims to grow the church by reaching those not currently attending. Many may have grown up with a biblical foundation but fallen away due to the business of life or perhaps they’ve never been exposed to the church at all.

“We believe in this day because we know it helps people invite others to church. Back to Church Sunday really got its start from research that showed 82 percent of people said they would attend church if someone they knew invited them, but only 2 percent of church members were inviting others to come with them,” said Scott Evans, founder and CEO of Outreach Inc., the nation’s leading provider of church communications resources that helped launch the initiative.

In addition to churches being able to sign up at, the information on the roster also allows those who are looking for a church to attend to see what churches in their community are participating. More information about Back to Church Sunday and available resources including videos are available at the Back to Church You Tube Channel, the Facebook page, and


Original Content by Chrisma News