6 Life-saving Tips For Running A Generator At Home


In almost every home in Nigeria, you will find a generator because power is unstable. Some run their generator for 24 hours while others run it in the night.  However, in recent times, we have heard of people dying because of generator fumes. It is unfortunate but true. Obviously, this carbon monoxide is very harmful to the body. In line with this, Jumia Travel and Jumia Mobile Week shares lifesaving tips for running a generator at home.

Your generator should be far away from your window

As long as generators use dirty energy such fuel or diesel, it will always release fumes. So, it should be reasonably far away from your window. Do not say that because you tightly shut your window and doors, you want to place it beside it. It is dangerous.

Use your generator outdoor

You will be shocked that some people in this country use their generator right in their parlour or sitting room. They don’t want to leave it outside for fear of it being stolen or because they are too lazy to go outside to switch it off. You are joking with your life if you continue with this practice.

Do not run it in an enclosed area

A generator needs ventilation to function properly because of the heat it produces while it is working. Always use your generator in an open space so that it will be able to breathe. A generator may stop working or explode if there is no ventilation.

Turn off all your appliances

Before you start your generator, turn off all your appliances to prevent any damage. This is because a power surge can destroy your devices. Also, do not overload your generator.

Never refuel a hot generator

It is no gainsaying that you should not refuel a generator while it is running let alone when it is hot. Your generator may explode if you do this. Hence, switch off before refuelling.

Periodic maintenance

Always maintain your generator by taking it for regular checkup especially when it produces fumes. Sooner or rather than later, it will collapse.

PR Associate at Jumia Travel