Living With Eternity In View

Author: Emode Victor

A Promise For You From Bible Promises:

Topic: Living With Eternity In View [27/04/2017]

For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21. Read: Php 1:20-26

Earth is sweet to live in, but heaven is sweeter. No matter the pleasure you derive on earth, it’s just temporary compared to the everlasting pleasure we shall enjoy with Jesus Christ in heaven. Beloved, the earlier we know and accept that we’re strangers on this earth and we shall soon be called to where we came from the better for us. This will help us to have eternity in view, live our lives to please our Maker, not ourselves or the devil. You came from heaven – an ambassador to the earth. God placed you here to show forth His praise and majesty, why would you now turn this place to your home?

To live with eternity in view is to surrender your life to Jesus Christ and begin to live for Him correctly. Apostle Paul was so confident that if he dies he will be going to heaven, but while he’s still alive, he will serve the Lord. You must be sure that you are a candidate for heaven and live with that consciousness. Demas once had eternity in view but allowed the world to take it away from him. Yours will not be like that in Jesus name


* Living for Christ today against all odd guarantees your place in destiny.