They Had Reason To Looked Back

Author: Emode Victor

A Promise For You From Bible Promises:

Topic: They Had Reason To Looked Back [28/04/2017]

And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned. Hebrews 11:15. Read: Heb 11:13-16

There is always numerous reasons to either do  or not to do a particular thing, the choice is ours to choose from. Hebrews 11 is considered the hall of faith. All the Patriarchs recorded in this very verse faced their challenges of life, yet did exploits for God. Some died for their faith. They all had reasons why they should not have followed God all through, they had reasons to have given up, but they ignored whatsoever reasons and pressed on even without receiving what God Almighty promised them.

The question is, why didn’t they give up on God? First, their affection was not on the things of this passing world but on the things above. They knew that, their lives were hidden in Christ Jesus, therefore forsook earthly things. Secondly, they believed heaven exist, so they knew that anyone that looks back is not fit to enter into God’s Kingdom; they endured all opposition to be counted worthy. Thirdly, they looked forward for that city whose builder is God. That city where there is no need of light but the Lamb of God is the light. That city where sickness does not exist, no tears, no hunger and death anymore. Finally, they looked forward for that city which the street are paved with gold which God had prepared for them. Beloved, don’t  look backward, press on until you see Jesus.


* Father, looking back will derail me from seeing You in glory, please empower me to stay on till I see you in glory in Jesus Mighty Name.