Our Daily Bread Devotional, April 29, 2017 – When Morning Comes


Topic: When Morning Comes [Saturday April 29, 2017]

Read: Hebrews 11:1–8, Bible in a Year: 1 Kings 6–7; Luke 20:27–47

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1

It was very late when we stopped for the night at a country inn outside of Munich. We were delighted to see that our cozy room had a balcony, although an oppressive fog made it impossible to see into the darkness. But when the sun rose a few hours later, the haze began to fade. Then we could see what had been grimly shrouded the night before—a completely idyllic scene—peaceful and lush green meadow, sheep grazing with tiny tinkling bells about their necks, and big white clouds in the sky that looked exactly like more sheep—huge, fluffy sheep!

Sometimes life can get clouded over by a heavy fog of despair. Our situation may look so dark that we begin to lose hope. But just as the sun burns away a fog, our faith in God can burn away the haze of doubt. Hebrews 11 defines faith as “confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see” (v. 1). The passage goes on to remind us of the faith of Noah, who was “warned about things not yet seen,” yet obeyed God (v. 7). And Abraham who went where God directed—even though he didn’t know where that would be (v. 8).

Though we have not seen Him and cannot always feel His presence, God is always present and will help us through our darkest nights.

Prayer: Father, thank You for Your promise to walk with us through all of life. In moments of doubt, help us to have the confidence You are in control and we can trust You.

Faith is the radar that sees through the fog. Corrie ten Boom


In the generations before the great flood, Abel, Enoch, and Noah responded to the spiritual light they had been given. Abel had his sacrifice received by God in worship, Enoch was taken up into heaven without death, and Noah saved his family from the judgment of the flood. Later Abraham and Sarah were called out of their city to a Promised Land and eventually received a much-awaited child of promise. Hebrews 11 lists men and women of faith who received a positive testimony from God as they set an example in spite of difficulty.

How do these stories of faith help you in your walk with God?

This message was written By Cindy Hess Kasper [Our Daily Bread Ministries.]