Winning Wisdom: Be Consistently Excellent

Author: Ese Ehimare Dave

Topic: Be Consistently Excellent [Sunday, 30th April 2017]

In that day the Branch of the Lord shall be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the land shall be excellent and lovely to those of Israel who have escaped. Isaiah 4:2

One of the keys to excellence is consistency. When an individual consistently maintains a high standard over a long period of time, the individual is said to be excellent. A product is termed to be excellent when it delivers a high level of value consistently. There are people or products that deliver excellence in fleeting moments, without consistency. They hit the high, and just fizzle out of circulation. That’s not what God has willed us to be. He has willed us to be consistently excellent.

Scripture says in Isaiah 4:2 that “in that day the Branch of the Lord shall be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the land shall be excellent and lovely…” We are in the days that the Lord was talking about in that scripture. We are the branches of the Lord. And our fruits – products, output, careers, business, ministries, etc – shall be excellent and lovely. And when scriptures says “shall be” it is referring to a present and continuous future terms. That is, God has made us to be consistently – continuously – excellent.

Scriptures talked about Daniel, who was consistently excellent over three generations of kings, so much so that his relevance outlived the lifetime of the kings. This is because he had an excellent Spirit that is the same yesterday, today and forever. You can have the same testimony, because the excellent Spirit of God, Who is ever consistent lives in you. Be consistently excellent and glorious, is not just a command, it is who you are. You are consistently excellent and glorious. Yes you are.

Keep winning daily.


Thank You Lord for Your Spirit that is in me, Who causes me to be consistently excellence in all I do. My fruit is excellent and beautiful. I am not a flash in the pan wonder, I am an everlasting wonder. I consistently produce the excellency of the Spirit always, in Jesus’s Name. Amen.