Joyce Meyer's daily devotional May 9 2017 – God Wants to Bless You


Topic: God Wants to Bless You [Monday May 9, 2017]

The Lord is my Shepherd [to feed, guide, and shield me], I shall not lack. — Psalm 23:1

Being able to maintain a good attitude during times of suffering is a virtue, and it is very important, but continual suffering is not God’s will for anybody. The apostle Paul said he had times of being abased and times of abounding (see Philippians 4:12). We will go through difficulties in this life, but we can, and should, expect God’s deliverance along with a return to the abundant life.

We must never see God as a stingy god who would withhold something we need. Certainly, there are times when we don’t get what we want when we want it, but if that happens, God has a good reason. Perhaps the timing isn’t right, or we are not mature enough to handle it yet, or He has something better in mind, but it is never because He doesn’t want us to be blessed. That thought simply isn’t consistent with who He is.

Power Thought: The Lord is my Shepherd; I have all I need.