When Violence Is The Last Option. Pt One

Author: Emode Victor

A Promise For You From Bible Promises:

Topic: When Violence Is The Last Option. Pt One [10/05/2017]

Whom resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. 1 Peter 5:9. Read: 1 Pe 5:6-11

The devil is never a gentleman. He never plays with his mission and uses every moments he has in accomplishing it. When you see the devil play, he is only disguising to get his target. The devil’s mission is to kill, steal and finally destroy. Jn 10:10. How does he prey on men? Through the instrumentality of fear. He roars like a lion and intimidates men to destroy their lives.

Many have lost their destinies to the devil due to gentleness. They handle the devil with levity. Being gentle with the devil is to be playing with the cobra’s tail. One of the languages the devil understands is violence. Jesus commanded him with the word and he obeyed. Matt 4. If you want to preserve your destiny and see it  fulfilment, you must resist the devil steadfastly, and he will flee. Jm 4:7-8. If it’s violence that will establish your destiny, you must take the decision to fight for your destiny because, it’s all you have. Samson played with his destiny on the lap of Delilah and he missed his appointment with destiny.


* Father, help me to be gentle and violent when I need to be to defend my destiny in Jesus Mighty Name