Winning Wisdom: Light and Lamp


Topic: Light and Lamp [Friday, 19th May 2017]

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Psalms 119:105

Let’s start by defining light. Marriam-Webster English dictionary defines light as “something that makes vision possible”. Whenever we hear “light” the first thing that comes to mind is brightness or illumination. Note that light is only useful in darkness. Without darkness, we’d have no use for light; so what makes light needful is darkness. So, as much as we identify darkness with negative things, we should be thankful for it because without it, the amazing nature of light will never be needed or known.

Now, when we think of feet and path what comes to mind is movement or journey. Our Christian living is a journey. We are on a journey, and the only reason we’d need light for this journey is because this journey is being travelled in darkness. It’s the darkness of not knowing where next to go, and what next to decide that propels the need for the Word of God. So now we have received light, what does it do? One, it is a lamp to our feet. That means it shows us the immediate steps to take. The immediate day-to-day decisions to make. Second, it is a light to our path. This means it shows us the next major curve or turn to take. You know that decision or event that would change the course of your life. Yes, the Word of God shows you that.

It doesn’t illuminate the whole journey, and show us the end from the beginning, or the destination. It shows us the day-to-day steps, and the major changes. So we’re empowered to walk in the knowledge that we have light to guide us in this darkness, so we are secure. Let us stop waiting for the light to illuminate the whole journey at once, but focus on it to take us one step at a time, one event at a time, trusting God to bring us to the expected end victorious.

Keep winning daily.


Dear Father, thank You for Your Word that You have made available to guide me through this journey of life. I trust You to see me through to the very end. Thank You Father, in Jesus name, Amen.

By Esun Tekeme