Joel and Victoria Osteen’s daily devotional May 22, 2017 – Say What?


Today’s Scripture: “Since we have the same spirit of faith…we also believe, and so we also speak.”(2 Corinthians 4:13, ESV)

Topic: Say What? [Monday May 22, 2017]

Scripture says, “The spirit of faith is in our words.” My question today is, “What’s coming out of your mouth?” Are you talking about how big your problems are, or are you talking about how big your God is?

As believers, our attitude should always be an attitude of praise—“Father, business may be slow, but I want to thank You that You’re supplying all of my needs.” “My circumstance may seem impossible, but thank You, God, that all things are possible with You!” We should always find a reason to give thanks!

This is what Jonah did. After complaining for eight verses, he had a change of heart in verse nine. He said, “God, in spite of my difficulties, I’m going to offer unto You the sacrifice of praise with a voice of thanksgiving.” While sitting in the belly of the whale, instead of complaining, he began to worship. The next verse says that the whale spit him out onto dry ground, and he went on to fulfill his destiny.

If you feel like you’re in the belly of a whale, if you feel trapped, if things seem dark, remember, praise always precedes the victory! Open your mouth and declare His praises! Say what the Word says and watch the breakthrough come to pass!

A Prayer for Today: “Father God, I humbly come to You in the precious name of Jesus Christ. I commit my words and thoughts to You. I choose to say what the Word says. I choose to speak the truth and trust that You are working for my good in Jesus’ name. Amen.”