Winning Wisdom: Impact Starts With Vision

Author: Ese Ehimare Dave

Topic: Impact Starts With Vision [Tuesday, 23rd May 2017]

And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. Habakkuk 2:2

The Lord’s impact on the earth, in Genesis 1, started with a vision. It was glaring from the onset that it will take extraordinary effort to fix a messed up world, that was filled with darkness and covered with water. But, that did not deter the Lord. He knew what He wanted. He already had a predetermined goal in His mind. He already had a picture of how He wants the world to look like after He was done fixing it. No wonder every time He accomplished part of His vision, He always acknowledged that it was good. That’s because at every point of implementing his vision for the earth, it was indeed full of impact. Until He created a beautiful world.

For us to also create the kind of world we want, through the impact we will make, we need vision. We will never have the kind of world, society, community we want without us making impact. But impact starts from having a predetermined goal; a vision. A clear-cut goal. A picture of what you want the world to look like, through the impact you are creating. Notice in Habakkuk 2:2, it was after the vision was seen and read that the running began. Vision propels us to do the needful so we can make permanent impact in our world.

For example, there is nothing stopping you from having a political vision. If you do, and you work towards adjudging it, you will end up making so many impact through politics. But it start with you having the vision, and the passion with commitment to see it come through. Right now, there is a paucity of political leaders that will really make impact and create value in the life of the citizens of his/her leadership sphere. Apart from politics, all area of lives where impact must be made must be envisioned by us.

Keep winning daily.


Dear Lord, thank You for the vision You gave me. With it, I make considerable impact in my sphere of influence. The Holy Sprit spur me with His wisdom always, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.