The Gravity Of His Action

Author: Emode Victor

A Promise For You From Bible Promises:

Topic: The Gravity Of His Action [30/05/2017]

And the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me. And he divided unto them his living. Luke 15:12. Read: Lk 15:12-32.

There are so many interpretations to the action the prodigal son took, but in this context, we want to look at his sin, the gravity of his action. We all know that before a Will can be read, the owner must have been dead. No one allows his Will to be read why he is still alive. The prodigal son went to meet his father and said, father, I want my own portion of the inheritance that should fall to me after you’ve dead. He gave him.

What are the implications of his action? His action shows clearly that he might have been praying secretly for his father to die on time so that he can see where to share his properties. When he saw that his father was not dying, he summoned courage to tell it to his father and said, father, since you refused to die, I want my share of your properties. His father would have rebuked him, but no, he gave it to him. And after he had spent all, he returned home and he received him in spite of what he did, his father forgave him. Whatever sin you have committed, if you can humble yourself and come to Him, He will gladly accept you.


* Your sin is not greater than God’s mercy, grace and his blood. Reach out for Jesus now