Winning Wisdom: Create Space


Topic: Create Space [Thursday, 8th June 2017]

And the Lord said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated from him, Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward. Genesis 13:14

The story of Abraham is quite interesting and challenging. In Genesis 12:2-3, after God instructed Abraham to leave his father’s house. He made promises of blessings upon him. Now, we can say that the manifestation of these blessings can be seen in Genesis 13:6, where it was recorded that “the land was not able to bear them, that they might dwell together: for their substance was great, so that they could not dwell together”, and that prompted their separation.

Genesis 13:4, it was recorded that Abraham built an altar for the Lord, and called on the name of the Lord. However a response from the Lord was not recorded immediately. The response was recorded in verse 14 after Lot was separated from Abraham. It can be said that Abraham called on the Lord in verse 4 to remind Him of His promise, as he had just been sent away from the land of Egypt by Pharaoh. He called on God to inquire why he, in whom all the families of the earth was to be blessed, was sent out of a nation. God, however, did not answer him to reassure him of the promises, as he didn’t have enough space to contain them at the time. Lot and all his possession were occupying a lot of space, and until they were separated an answer did not come from the Lord.

When they were separated, the reply of the Lord was just amazing: “And the Lord said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated from him, Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward: for all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever” (Genesis 13:14‭-‬15). Simply amazing. Create some space in your life, let go of some persons and situations, and give room for the promises of God upon your life to manifest. Seek His guidance as you go about creating space in your life.

Keep winning daily.


Dear Father, thank You for your promises from me. Thank You because I know they’ll surely come to fulfilment because You’ve spoken them. Help me and guide me to not restrict the blessings, and to create space in my life for their manifestation, in Jesus Name. Amen.

By Esun Tekeme