David Abioye's Daily Devotional June 9, 2017 – Live Pressure Free (Prt 2)


Topic: Live Pressure Free (Prt 2) [Friday June 9, 2017]

Jesus lived such a pressure free life that even in the face of very hard situations, He remembered to give thanks to God. When He saw Mary and Martha after the death of Lazarus their brother, He told them “Relax, Have I not told you that if you believe you shall see the glory of the Lord?” And when He arrived at the tomb He simply said, “Father, I thank you.” After that He called Lazarus and the man that was dead jumped out of the grave! Please, live your life pressure free! Don’t consider any issue as so serious that you cannot praise God. Life is not as difficult as so many people are presenting it! Your situation is not as hard! Stop living under pressure and tension!

When there is need for money, relax yourself. God is in control, He is in charge, so everything is working in your favour. No matter the situation that comes your way tell it, “You are not as difficult.” Be calm! Make the devil unimportant! Even in your prayer life, be relaxed, present your case as one who is in control.

You know, calmness is not a sign of weakness, it is a means of exercising control because the word of God says, “…In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength…” An atmosphere of calmness sets the pace for praise and thanksgiving and as you praise God, His strength will be manifested in your situation.

If you must flow in praise, then you must create a relaxed environment around yourself; be full of humor and excitement.

Meditate on these: Psalm 46:10, John 16:33