Winning Wisdom: Shine Forth


Topic: Shine Forth [Saturday, 10th June 2017]

Let your slight so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your father which is in heaven. Matthew 5:16

One of the benefits of being a Christian is being  a light to the world. Matthew 5:14 says: “ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.” God expects us to shine forth wherever we find ourselves on the surface of the earth. In a darkness-infested environment, where you reside for instance, can people around proclaim that you are a true light from God; there is a distinction between darkness and light, and it is obvious by their effect and mode of operation, so also should your light be obvious by your modus operandi. In Acts 4:13, the people perceived that Peter and John had been with Jesus because they saw the light in them.

Our modus operandi is good works. God expects you to shine forth as light through good works that men will see and glorify His name. Good works encompass, but not limited to, giving to the poor and needy, preaching the gospel to your friends and loved ones, being dutiful at your place of work, being diligent at school and in your business, praying for the sick, reaching out to orphans and prisoners and upholding integrity.

Be reminded that anytime you shine forth, lives are affected positively, as the manifestation of darkness is replaced with the manifestation of light, which the world is eagerly waiting for (Romans 8:19), and they in turn glorify God in Heaven for your life. Let people see that light in your compound, school, environment, village, community, working place and family.

Don’t quench your light!

Keep winning daily.


Dear Lord, thank You for making me a light to my generation. I shine forth as light within my sphere of contact. I am a living testimony in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

By Ruth Imogie