Winning Wisdom: God Is Not Jealous

Author: Ese Ehimare Dave

Topic: God Is Not Jealous [Tuesday, 13th June 2017]

…for God is love. 1 John 4:8

Love is never jealous neither does it envies. So also is God. Scripture calls God Jealous in Exodus 34:14, and it also says that God is “a jealous God.” But that scripture is referring to God’s desire not to allow His people serve (show affection for) another God besides Him. But, in 1 Corinthians 13:4, envy, which is also stated as jealousy in the New Living Translation version of the Bible, means to boil over with hatred and anger. And this only produces negative results.

God is never jealous, neither does He boils over with anger. Sometimes, we see folks who are terribly pleasing Satan and carrying out his scheme with utmost zeal and fervency. God sees them also. But He is not jealous at Satan because of them. Instead, in His compassion and love, He wants to draw them to Himself. He knows that they are in the wrong and are heading to eternal destruction. But He does not want them to end up like that (Ezekiel 33:11).

God is not jealous of the spread of the kingdom of darkness because He knows that His kingdom provides a better deal and that His kingdom will always trump the kingdom of darkness. The jealousy of God is not geared towards hurting people, but it is geared towards retaining the affection and passion of His people. Some folks will, because of envy or jealousy, hurt the people they are envious of, but God will never do such. God is not jealous or envious. Be like God.

Keep winning daily.


Dear Lord, thanks for Your jealous affection towards me that keeps me in Your love. You are never jealous nor envious to hurt people. Work in me to be like You in this regards, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.