Winning Wisdom: God Is Not Selfish


Topic: God Is Not Selfish [Thursday, 15th June 2017]

…for God is Love. 1 John 4:8

God is perfect, with no iota of imperfection in Him (2 Samuel 22:31). That’s why we are urged to be perfect like Him (Matthew 5:48). However, we are not the focus here, God is. Even though a bulk of us don’t know the actual meaning of selfishness, we know it involves focusing on oneself to the exclusion of all others, and  this is a negative character to exhibit. 1 Corinthians 13:5 says Love “…is not self-seeking”. Now, a couple of you may raise eyebrows here because it is well established in scriptures that all things are for God’s pleasure. (Isaiah 43:7; Ephesians 1:8; Psalms 105:22, etc). That’s okay. However, the plans of the Lord, which none can instruct, are for our own good.

Firstly, in His plan, He sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins, that we may live and be restored back to fellowship with Him, and eternal life (John 3:16-17, 1 John 2:2). Giving up one’s only son for a people that do turned their back on you can’t be termed as being selfish. It is the most selfless act anyone could attempt. When Christ was in the mount of olives He had the chance to follow His own will, but He gave up His will to save us (Luke 22:42). Man, that’s selfless! All the way to the cross, He was thinking only about us.

Secondly, He takes pleasure in us, and beautifies us with His blessings “for the Lord taketh pleasure in his people: he will beautify the meek with salvation” (Psalms 149:4). Thirdly, even His chastening is so we can partake of His holiness “for they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness” (Hebrews 12:10 ). He made us to partake in His Divine nature (2 Peter 1:4) and be joint-heirs with Jesus to all that He possesses. God is not self-seeking. He seeks the good of all. Be like God.

Keep winning daily.


Thank You Lord for Your selfless plan and making me a part of blessings and glory. Help me to be as selfless as You through the work of Your Spirit in me, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

By Esun Tekeme