Winning Wisdom: God's Love Is For Eternity

Author: Ese Ehimare Dave

Topic: God’s Love Is For Eternity [Tuesday, 20th June 2017]

…for God is love. 1 John 4:8

Love never dies. It is for eternity. Love will never cease to exist or fails. It last forever. I am not in anyway referring to the human love which ceases to exist or dies, I am referring to God’s love. God is called Love, and as long has God is still alive and will not die, His love will never die or cease to exist. His love will last forever. God is eternal, so also is His love. His loves eternally.

Scriptures say in 1 Corinthians 13:8 that “prophecy and speaking in unknown languages and special knowledge will become useless. But love will last forever!” In the world to come, we will not have need for prophecy, speaking in unknown languages or special knowledge, they won’t be of any important, but love will be palpably present. God’s Love for you is eternal. You are eternally loved by God. And nothing can make God’s love for you to cease, die or fail. Nothing can separate you from the love of God, absolutely nothing (Romans 8:35-39).

Not even your sin can make God’s love for you to cease. Yes, you read that right. No matter how sinful you are, God will still love you eternally. When you were still having the nature of sin, and was a servant of Satan and sin, God loved you intensely (Romans 5:6&8). Now that you are His He cannot stop loving you because you sinned. Even the atheist that don’t believe in God’s existence is loved intensely by God. His love never fails, ceases or dies. It stays forever, nothing can and nothing will make God stop loving you. You are eternally love by God. Be like God and love eternally.

Keep winning daily.


Dear loving God, thank You for Your love that never fails or ceases, but last forever. Thank You for loving me eternally. Help me, by the working of Your Spirit, to respond positively to Your love and to also love people eternally, like You do, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.