The Empowered Minister. Pt Three

Author: Emode Victor

A Promise For You From Bible Promises:

Topic: The Empowered Minister. Pt Three [20/06/2017]

Insomuch that they brought forth the sick into the streets, and laid them on beds and couches, that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow some of them. Acts 5:15. Read: Ac 2:1-14

One of the things power does is to turn an ordinary man into an extraordinary person and the timid to a bold fellow. It brings upon a man supernatural strength to outrun even a man on the back of a  horse. It gives turbospeed to a man to accomplish a task in a very short time. It makes you pursue, overtake and recover all that you’ve lost in the past.

Power helps you to stand up to defend your destiny in the face of fear. For instance, before the Pentecost, the outspoken Peter denied his Master thrice in the face of fear of death. Through fear, he followed Jesus from a far distance until he finally denied Him. It was through this same fear that he gave up on his ministry of becoming a fisher of men. But when power came upon them on the day of Pentecost, just a sermon from him won about three thousand souls. In his latter life, because he was so full of God’s power, people preferred his shadow to go through the sick and they all were healed. You can be empowered by God if you are willing to love Him with all your heart and desire to help His oppressed children. Are you ready for His power? It’s coming upon you now in Jesus Mighty Name


* Father, I am ready to help Your children with your power, empower me now in Jesus Mighty Name