Winning Wisdom: You Are Love

Author: Ese Ehimare Dave

Topic: You Are Love [Wednesday, 21st June 2017]

…as he is, so are we in this world. 1 John 4:17

For the past ten days, we have been looking at the manifestation of the qualities of love in God and how it affects us. But, we know that 1 Corinthians 13, from which we discussed the love qualities of God, is actually talking about us. If God is love, then we are love also, for as He is so are we in this world (1 John 4:17). And if God is all that we have been discussing, then also, we are them. And because God is exhibiting these love qualities to the full, we can also exhibit them to the full.

Don’t forget, He has come to give us life and that we should have this life to the full (John 10:10). This life is a love-life, and we have this love-life to the full. We are love and we are kind, patient, not jealous, not proud or boastful, not selfish, not easily provoked, we don’t keep any record of wrong, glories in justice and truth, never give up, and we love for eternity. Yes, that’s who we are.

We are love because we have the Spirit of love and the very love of God, which are all these stated above, have been shed abroad and intently in our hearts (Romans 5:5). You might not be exhibiting these love qualities to the fullest, you might not even be exhibiting one, but that does not remove the fact that you are love. You just need to believe it and start living the love-life that you have. God is love, so are you. Be love to all. Show them the expression of love and what love truly is. By so doing, you are doing what God would have done if He was present in your stead. Be love.

Keep winning daily.


Thank You Lord for the Your love-life which You have given me. By the working of the Spirit of love in me, I exhibit who I am – Love – to the fullest, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.