Christianity: Religion or Relationship

Jesus Crucified
(Photo : Getty Images/CNN)

End time Christians of today in many ways seem to have lost touch with the foundations of their Faith. Many a Christian are now becoming name bearers instead of following the examples of the tested and tried apostles of the days of old.There are various misconceptions that have arisen amongst the faith that like the scripture says many have led many astray.
The path of being a Christian goes beyond the mundane systematic practice of a mere religion, it is more than a routine or daily lifestyle, being a christian goes beyond bearing a name tag alone.

There is more to being a Christian,being a Christian entails conviction, sacrifice, steadfastness, discipline amongst other wholesome vices, principles and morals.Christianity is based on dogged practicality. Being a Christian simply put is to be Christlike in all ramifications,all. Although this quality seems to be deficient amongst we end time Christians.We seem to have lost the very essence of being “called out”, like earlier said we are now nominal in nature than thorough bred saints.

To be a Christian is to begin a divine relationship with the Lord and Creator of all,an eternal relationship that demands commitment, openness, trust, faith amongst other virtues.Christianity as it stands should be the ultimate goal for humanity, our goal and purpose on earth is built on the foundation of having a relationship with the Almighty.

Christianity is not a trend to belong to, neither does your being born into a Christian home give you the access to be called a Christian, without accepting the Lord and letting him take over your life by starting a relationship with him you are not counted amongst the Christians, ponder on this a little while, we are obviously in the end days of the end time and soon a day of reckoning will come where would you be found, on the side of true Christians or on the other side.
Start a relationship with him today, tomorrow might be just too late.