A New Month Of Rest

Author: Emode Victor

A Promise For You From Bible Promises:

Topic: A New Month Of Rest [01/07/2017]

And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. Genesis 2:2. Read: Lev 25:3-5

All glory to God Almighty for ushering us into this seventh month of all-round rest for you and your household. God will give you divine rest on every side from your Labour . All your labour from January till date shall be adequately rewarded and every seed you have sown in tears shall be replaced in this new month with joy unspeakable full of glory. In the creation order, God laboured for six days and rested from all His work on the seventh day. From all your hustling and bustling, you must take time to rest. But many work round the clock, in spite of their great efforts, there is usually nothing to show for it. But I decree  in this new month of rest, your efforts will not be abate. Your little input shall yield abundant harvest. It’s a year and a month of rest and God shall give to you the desired rest in Jesus Mighty Name.

God ended His work and rested. He’s still the God of rest, He desires your rest and He shall give you uncompromising rest day. Rest, the troubles of this world would not be able to take from you shall be your portion. God Almighty shall bless and multiply the works of your hands in Jesus Mighty Name


* Father, give me divine rest in all my endeavours. Let me know no anxiety again in Jesus Mighty Name. #HappyNewMonth