David Abioye's Daily 4 July 2017 Devotional


Topic: The wisdom of action (part 1) [Tuesday July 4, 2017]

Faith is the key to daily victories and the process of faith expression begins with what you see. As you see it you begin to think it and as you think deeper and deeper you naturally become stronger in your utterance.

There is a connection between your eyes, your mind, your mouth, and your feet. When your eyes see it, your mind will think it and them your mouth will begin to speak it. And you know, your utterances have the power to terminate stagnation. You can never be stagnated while speaking. People who speak will always end up at the peak because they are always on the move. It is what you say that supplies speed, strength and motion to your feet. So, your utterance is the fuel to your feet. But beyond that, you must begin to take steps. So, the fourth expression of faith is action. And action means taking steps contrary to your physical situations or circumstances. The devil is a coward, he keeps telling you from afar off, “Don’t take that step, don’t write that exam, you will fail!” But nothing threatens him like your action. So, if you have been planning, talking and thinking of starting a business, go and start! If satan tells you, “Don’t start that business, you will fail”, start first and let it fail. If it fails the first time, rise up and start again. Those who fear will fall, but those who act will stand.

Action is God’s wisdom for the final possession of your inheritance. The woman with the issue of blood got her miracle just by action. After she heard of Jesus, she said in her heart, “If I may but touch the helm of his garment, I shall be made whole.” And as she said that, she began to take steps. Despite her weakness, she pressed through the crowd and touched the hem of His garment and Jesus said to her, “Be it unto you according to your faith.”

Continue from part 2 tomorrow