The Deception of Learning


A Promise For You From Bible promises:

Topic: The Deception of Learning [13/07/2017]

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15. Read: 2 Tim 4:12-16

A story is told about a father who wanted his son to learn boxing, he took him to a master of boxer to commence training. The master looked at the boy, knowing that he lacks patience, he took him to a tank of water and asked him to begin slap it. After a year of slapping the tank, he was discouraged and left with annoyance before the date agreed for his freedom. Why did you left, his father asked him? My master asked me to slapped a tank for the past one year without training. By the time he hit a plant with his fist, it broke into two. Only then did he knew that, he was actually being trained for the one year he slapped the tank.

Are you patient enough to stay on that vocation? Whatsoever you are doing now requires your corporation, it might not appear to be what you want now, keep doing it, when the time comes, the dividends will outweigh the pain. Are you doing something so tenaciously without adequate recognition? Don’t give up because your time of recognition is around the corner. Keep reading because every reader is a potential writer. Give yourself wholly to what you know how to do best, pour yourself in your gift and move on to perfection. Be encouraged like Pastor Timothy whom Paul told to give attention to reading. The deception of learning therefore is that, it will appear what you are learning or doing now is a waste of time. Don’t buy it because, the day you stop learning, that day you start to die gradually.


* A generation of readers will breed a generation of writers.