TREM’s Daily 14 July 2017 Devotional by Dr. Mike Okonkwo – We Are Called to Hook up with One Another


Topic: We Are Called to Hook up with one Another [Friday July 14, 2017]

“For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us. – Ephesians 2:14.”

The scriptural text of today says he broke down the wall of partition. He drew the gentiles and the Jews and brought them together to make one body called the church. Now there is no bond, no free, no male, no female, no African, no American, no Briton, but from every tribe, tongue and nation, a new creation was formed called the church. That is why you must come to church with the aim of ministering to the person sitting next to you. Think how you can add value to that person. That is why David said, I am glad when they say let us go to the house of the Lord because when we go to the house of the Lord we come back blessed.

As believers, we are called to hook up with ourselves. Ministry is not only about preaching. It is about sitting by your brother or sister and telling him/her, I didn’t see you yesterday. Your coming today has completed my day. Practice this and you will never lack in life. Christianity is not meant to be self-serving but outgoing. That is why when Jesus was leaving he said “Go ye.” Go ye does not only mean to have a crusade or do soul winning. Go ye also means ministering to somebody. You have not chosen me, I have chosen you that you may bring forth fruits and that your fruits might remain. And whatsoever you ask I will give you. Can you see the link?

Don’t join those people in church today who are carrying stones not knowing that they have backslidden. Don’t join those who look out for those who will steal or commit fornication and then condemn them. We must grow beyond the level of saying I hope the choir will sing well, I hope the ushers will behave well or I hope the pastor will be there. What are you adding to make the church a blessing for somebody?

Further Reading:  John 15:1 – 17

Bible Reading: Morning- Psalms 10-12; Evening- Acts 19:1-20

Written by Dr. Mike Okonkwo; Is the Presiding Bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM); a versatile man of God with over 30 years of dedicated service unto the Lord.