Our Daily Manna July 22, 2017: ODM devotional – I Refuse Emergency Death!


Remind God daily of this word (covenant of long life). Stand in the gap for your loved ones using the same covenant. You will not die before your time! You cannot be touched and you cannot be killed.

Topic: I Refuse Emergency Death! [Saturday 22 July, 2017]

(Hebrews 9:27; Psalm 91:1 -End)

Welcome to today’s devotional with the Shephard of your soul. In this second half of the year, the Holy Ghost wants you to know that there is a difference between being killed and dying. To be killed means to die before your time without fulfilling your destiny or fulfilling the number of your God-appointed days! But to die means to fulfil the number of your God-appointed days. In this year of EVIDENCE, the Holy Ghost is asking you to cancel DEATH BY MISTAKE which is also called EMERGENCY DEATH. Death by mistake or emergency death is also called, THE DEATH OF A FOOL ( 2 Samuel 3:33). I am led to ask: “If Jesus tarries on His return, will you be killed or will you die on this earth?”

Note that te life expectancy of an African has risen to between 59 and 60 years. European life expectancy is between 75 and 81 years. North American life expectancy is between 77 and 81 years. Years ago, The UNO (United Nations Organisation) forecasted that most Africans would not see their 48th bithday. Wow! While the United Nations continue to release reports of caution and fear, you must listen to what the “Covenant of long life” says concerning you and your family: Heb 9:27 proclaims: “It is appointed for a man to die but once………”Notice that it did not say, “It is appointed for a man to be killed but once.” So in this fasting programme and beyond, decree that you shall not be killed by armed robbers, sickness and diseases, accidents, hired assasins or manipulation such as witches and wizards, etc.

Psalm 91:16 declares: “With a long life will I satisfy him and shew him my salvation.” The, Isaiah 46: 4 summarizes: “And even to your old age, I am he, and even to hoars hais( gray hairs) will I carry you. I have made and I will bear; even I will carry and will deliver you.” Yes! This is the covenant of long life: Death in old age with satisfation! Remind God daily of this word (covenant of long life). Stand in the gap for your loved ones using the same covenant. You will not die before your time! You cannot be touched and you cannot be killed. Your life and ministry are too hot for Satan now! But stay within the hedge and long life will be your EVIDENCE! Amen!

TODAY is the last-day anointing service at Manna Mountain Ogudu-Orioke, Lagos Nigeria, Time: 7am. Come with your written prayer points and expectations! I shall lay hands on everyone present! Don’t quit now!

Today is DAY 14 of the 14-day fasting programme. PRAY THE GENERAL PRAYERS ON PAGE 93 AND PRAYERSON PAGE 84 OF THE “WAR AGAINST HAMAN -12” booklet. Sow your “ACHAN-MUST-DIE /LONG LIFE SEED” INTO ANY ACCOUNT ON PAGE 29 OF ODM OR PAGE 44 OF “WAR AGAINST HAMAN -12” booklet and get your ANTI-DELAY PSALM which you will pray for 3 weeks.

Prayer Point: Take any worship song as led.

1. Thank God for today’s word and pray about it as led.

By Bishop (Dr) Chris E. Kwakpovwe (Cek)
Publisher/Writer Of ODM And

Rev (Mrs) Flora E. Kwakpovwe (Fek)
Co-Publisher/Writer Of ODM.