Winning Wisdom: Overcome Evil With Good


Topic: Overcome Evil With Good [Tuesday, 25th July 2017]

Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21

One thing we must understand in human relation is that we can’t control people’s actions toward us, but we can, hundred percent, control our reactions to their actions. This is very key to our peace of mind and emotional well being. Scriptures advise us that, if it is possible, as much as lieth in us, we should live in peace with all men (Romans 12:18). And you see, because we are believers, all things are possible to us, including living in peace with all men. Remember, in Hebrews 12:14(NLT) we are admonished to work at living in peace with all everyman. Peace with all men is a goal we must pursue.

But like I said, we can’t control the actions of people towards us. One thing I have come to expect from an unregenerated life or an unrenewed mind is act of evil. It is normal with them. And unless they are changed, they will keep on being evil. But you see, we must not, because someone does an evil act to us, attempt to do the same to him or her. If we do that, we are being defeated by that evil. And evil cannot triumph over us because we are full of good works. Any Christian that is still talking about taking revenge on someone who does him or her evil needs his or her heart renewed. That’s not the mind of Christ at work.

Check out Jesus on the cross. Crucified by the same people He came to save. They were even mocking and ridiculing Him. But instead of being overcome by their act of evil, He prayed to God not to hold their sins against them and He went ahead to pay for their sins. He did a good act to overcome their evil actions. This is what is expected of us when evil stares us in the face. Overcome evil with good works. With your good works, you are not only showing forth the praises of God, you are also showing the evil guy the best way to live his life. Let your good works put out the light of evil in the lives of people. Remember, you are in control of your reactions, and not their actions. Let your reactions change them from evil to good.

Keep winning daily.


Dear Lord, thank You for showing me an example of how to overcome evil with good. I, by the working of Your Spirit in me, produces good works that overcome evil, when evil is done to me, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.