Ex Porn Addict and Minister: 5 Reasons Pastors Are More Vulnerable to Sexual Temptation

Sexual Temptation
(Photo: christianpost.com)

Pastors are not immune to sexual temptation, in fact, their positions as ministers place them right in the path of danger, says Christian writer Jeff Fisher.

Fisher knows this topic all too well as his former pornography addiction caused him to lose his ministry position at one point. In a blog post written for Church Leaders, Fisher notes five reasons pastors are much more vulnerable than the average Christian to sexual temptation, beginning with the fact that they are in a place of power.

“The pastor is an authority, he is looked up to, he is on stage and he is usually highly regarded. Broken people with damaged lives come regularly to talk with the minister, many of them desperate for a word or attention,” Fisher says.

He also notes that most pastors are often isolated and unaccountable for their actions as many of them tend to spend time alone outside of their ministry setting.

Fisher says this is especially true for small church ministers who are often the only staff member as they tend not to have church leaders asking them about their whereabouts.

Furthermore, he notes that many pastors tend to rarely have protection or policies in place to safeguard them from temptation.

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Source : Christian Post