When Frustration Sets In. Pt Three


A Promise For You From Bible Promises:

Topic: When Frustration Sets In. Pt Three [07/08/2017]

But he spake the more vehemently, If I should die with thee, I will not deny thee in any wise. Likewise also said they all. Mark 14:31. Read: Mk 14:27-31

 Frustration is a destroyer of destiny when allowed to enter into one’s life. There are high rates of suicide or suicidal attempts today because of frustration, discouragement or disappointment. The Bible warns,  “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes”. Psalm 118:9. To avoid disappointment and discouragement from men, you can only trust God to trust them. Don’t put your trust in man but God. Man is limited but God is unlimited.

Let’s look at Peter again. Just the other day, Jesus said to Peter, Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men. Lk 5:10. This made Peter left his fishing business. Peter had so much built his confidence on what Jesus told him that even when Jesus said to them, all of you shall desert me, Peter told Him, I will die with you. Even if others should flee, I will not. But when Jesus was arrested at the garden of Gethsemane, though Peter was following from afar while the other disciples took to their heels, Peter was a bit disappointed in Jesus that he couldn’t rescue Himself. His total disappointment sets in when Jesus died on the cross. Within him, he said, Jesus has disappointed me, He made me to abandon my profession. Well since He has gone with fulfilling His promise, boys, I go fishing, and they all said, we go with you. Jn 21:1-3. But when Jesus came, He restored him and commissioned him. You need the reassurance of Jesus over that frustration.


* Jesus, I believe what you’ve said to me, but frustration is setting in, come and reassure me and strengthen me in your Name. Amen