TREM’s Daily 8 August 2017 Devotional by Dr. Mike Okonkwo – Your Righteousness Doesn’t Change


Topic: Your Righteousness Doesn’t Change — Tuesday August 8, 2017

“For He hath made him be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” – 2 Corinthians 5:21 (KJV)

Your righteousness does change because it is of God in Christ. It has nothing to do with what you did or didn’t do. Imagine me as a man coming out wearing a lady’s gown, wearing makeup, putting on high heel shoes and then put on some artificial stuff. I can do all that but like it or not, it doesn’t change the fact that I am still a man. The fact that you made some mistakes, you blew it or fell into one error or the other doesn’t change your standing. You are still the righteousness of God in Christ. And there is no such thing as first class righteousness or economy class. The righteousness that God gave to us is the same you will have when we meet Jesus. It doesn’t change.

The problem believers are having is that they simply don’t accept this fact. But remember the Bible says the just shall live by faith. Our journey as believers starts from heaven and not from earth. The way God functions is that He first tells you what is available to you and releases you to this earth to manifest what you saw. The challenge with most of us is that when we look at some mistakes and some mess you are in, it doesn’t agree with the fact that you are righteous. No! You don’t use your state to judge your standing but use your standing to judge your state. And when you do, what happens is that your state falls off because your standing is eternal. It is of divine origin. It is from God and cannot fail. God has faith in what He has done inside you.

The other day Peter denied the Lord for he thought it was finished; ministry over. He did the same thing that Judas did but the only difference was that Peter did not kill himself he waited for Jesus to die for him while Judas died because he wanted to pay for his mistakes. Child of God, self-effort will only kill you.

Further Reading: Romans 5:17-21,

Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Psalms 74-76; Evening- Romans 9:16-33

Written by Dr. Mike Okonkwo; Is the Presiding Bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM); a versatile man of God with over 30 years of dedicated service unto the Lord.